This is Nails Inc. in Chester Place which in real life is a darker berry colour, but I'm still trying to figure out the flash settings on my new camera. I also think that its really weird that you can see the reflection of me trying to take the picture!
I think this is a perfect wintery colour as I have absolutely no truck with those ugly sludge brown and khaki shades that Chanel started and everyone else blindly follows like lemmings.
I bought this in TK Maxx in Sligo in the summer. It cost €12 for a set of 4 which included this, a coral, a fuschia and another shade of red. Couldn't be leaving a bargain like that behind, could I?!
xx polkadot
Lovely! I agree, I don't know why everyone insists on whipping out the browns and blacks and all that jazz the second the weather gets gloomy. I'll stick with colour thank you, even when its snowing!